Friday, September 2, 2011


I stole this recipe from smitten. These are so cute and delicious filled with nits raisins and cranberries to the brim. This is my 3rd time making these but  today when I put them in the oven I realized that I forgot the to add the oatmeal.There is a story to this. I stayed at a hostel in Nantucket and they served something that looked like this for breakfast. They were gone before I had a chance to try them. They looked so good that  when I got home I decided to call the hostel and find out the recipe. When I called I was told that the recipe was on the opposite side of the lid of Quaker Oats. I only buy oats from Whole Foods so I looked online for this lid recipe and found it but then I went to smitten to see what she had to say and of course she had oatmeal cookies that were very similar but I presume better then Quaker's.

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