January 21, 2009
Started it today. I think I will draft and post when this is done. I have to do 2 rows in odd yarn, then 5 inches in d.g. a.k.a. dark gray left over from my mom's sweater. My only clues are.. 102(4) cast on stitches are divisible by 6 and that we are using my favorite yarn which is left over from my mom's sweater. It's Montova from Laines Du Nord.
I think I am only going back Tuesday since I am not allowed back until I have 5" and I only have 3.5" so far after spending a better part of the evening on this. I wonder how this is going to go. I have no clue what I would do with this never mind trying to guess the content inside her mind. I am working with Berocco Peruvia once again which I think is pure wool and I have to say I prefer Malabrigo... Overall so far I prefer Malabrigo over everything.
My instructor's website went up today. I am wondering if linking it to my blog would be a dis-service on my part? Not like anyone reads this anyway. Especially when it's still in 'draft' form.
I am done. I had to undo 4 rows because I went over the 5". We removed the purple from the rim, I lost a stitch, the instructor picked it up but as a result I still lost one. Anyway, the way you remove odd yarn is you cut, and pull up, now I think I know what was done to my Malabrigo sweater!! Anyway, you pull, until you cannot do it anymore, and then you pick up stitches by removing the purple in my case thread. Then we folded the edge in half, and knitted it together. I had 103 stitches and 1 more that was extra. Then we decreased to 52 by slipping 2 stitches purl-wise and then slipping the 1st over the 2nd. Then we introduced the second yarn and had to decrease to 48 by knitting 2 together 4 times. Then I purled on RS and knitted on WS. Then the decrease was knit 5 knit 2tog.. then knit 4, knit 2 etc until I did knit 1 knit 2. I suspect I would have had knit 2 knit 2 but .. you guessed it I ran out of yarn. So then I pulled everything in and sewed it together. The double edge had to be sewn on the inside and on the outside so I went around. I had big plans of sewing it together all at once instead of in parts prior to. I swear my mind is twisted. The yarn ends were put back inside the double edge. Anyway, my mom took it outside to see if it's warm enough. It matches a sweater I made for her back in March 2008. Anyway it's a little short.. at least for me but mom said it fit. I feel like this hat has better tension then the sweater from March.
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